US firm to build sea-going rocket launch base prototype

Baird Maritime June 10, 2024

The Spaceport Company (TSC), a US-based space launch company, has been awarded a contract by the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) to develop a prototype for a sea-going mobile space launch complex.

TSC said the prototype will be developed to demonstrate delivery to a mission-designed orbit and to test autonomy-like features of the sea launch vessel.

In phase one of the Novel Responsive Space Delivery (NRSD) project, TSC will construct and demonstrate foundational maritime launch technologies within the next 12 months. Depending on TSC’s phase one outcome, the DIU may award future modular phases to TSC.

DIU’s objective in this phased approach is to work with TSC as the latter constructs its self-contained, ocean-going space launch complex and creates the complex’s capability to quickly deliver satellites to orbit from wide swathes of the ocean on a regular, commercial basis.

In the latter half of May 2024, TSC conducted a series of sounding rocket launches in the Gulf of Mexico (pictured). The rockets were launched from an offshore platform as part of a proof-of-concept testing phase.


The Spaceport Company is a leading provider of innovative infrastructure solutions. With a dedicated team of engineers, scientists, and maritime professionals, the company is committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in infrastructure technology. The Spaceport Company’s vision is to create cutting-edge launch platforms that enable a wide range of space missions, driving advancements in scientific research, national security, and commercial space endeavors.


Housed within the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), National Security Innovation Capital (NSIC) is a Department of Defense (DoD) initiative that provides funding to early-stage hardware startups commercializing dual-use products critical to national security and economic competitiveness. NSIC enables such startups to advance key milestones in their product development plans and reduce inherent technical risks by addressing the shortfall of private investment from trusted sources.

Media Contacts

The Spaceport Company
Jenna Ringer- Operations Coordinator
[email protected]

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